Latest Kansas City District Info

Regulatory Notices

Public Notices

  • NWK-2025-67

    Expiration date: 3/3/2025

    APPLICANT: CJBWAB Land, LLC PROJECT LOCATION: In and along Rock Creek, Section 27, Township 9 South, Range 10 East, Pottawatomie County, Kansas. ACTIVITY : The project would construct 715 lineal feet of stream bank stabilization in and along the right descending bank of Rock Creek.

  • NWK-2022-565

    Expiration date: 3/3/2025

    APPLICANT: AG Rose Solutions LLC PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is located within tributaries to Rocky Branch and adjacent wetlands, north of Interstate 435 and east of Highway 169. The project location is within Section 11 and 14, Township 52 North, Range 33 West, Clay County, Missouri. ACTIVITY: The applicant proposed to place fill material within waters of the Unites States for the development and construction of a data center, with associated appurtenances.

  • NWK-2025-48

    Expiration date: 2/28/2025

    APPLICANT: Roger W. & Carolyn J. Warren Revocable Trust PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is located along the left descending bank of the Kansas River, approximately 4 miles downstream of Topeka, Kansas. The area of work is located within Section 20, Township 11 South, Range 17 East, Jefferson County, Kansas. ACTIVITY: Construct 2, 850 lineal feet of riprap along the left descending bank of the Kansas River.

  • NWK-2025-00021

    Expiration date: 2/21/2025

    SPONSOR: Swallow Tail, LLC PROJECT LOCATION: The proposed Osage/South Grand Rivers EDU Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Site Two, is located northeast of the town of Archie, Missouri and is adjacent to Eightmile Creek in Sections 23 and 26, Township 43 North, Range 31 West, in Cass County, Missouri. ACTIVITY: The proposed establishment of an additional site under an umbrella mitigation banking instrument for the Osage/South Grand Rivers EDU service area.

  • NWK-2023-84

    Expiration date: 1/7/2025

    APPLICANT: KCMO Water PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is located within a tributary to Second Creek, north of Northwest 108th Street and west of North Crosby Avenue, adjacent to the cul-de-sacs for Northwest 110th Court and North St. Clair Court. The project location is within Section 30, Township 52 North, Range 33 West, Platte County, Missouri. ACTIVITY: The applicant proposes to place fill material within waters of the United States for stream bank stabilization project.