General Info

What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan is the guidance document that describes how the resources of the lake will be managed in the future and provides the vision for how the lake should look in the future. The Master Plan does not address the details of how and where shoreline use permits may be issued, however, it does set the stage for implementation of the shoreline management program.

Development of the revised Master Plan may include consideration of:

  • Regional and ecosystem needs
  • Project resource capabilities and suitability for various purposes
  • Public interests and desires

The Hillsdale Lake Master Plan Revision main goals are:

  • Ensure accurate land classification and resource protection for future generations;
  • Bring plan format and mapping technology into compliance with current Master Plan format and technology requirements;
  • Reflect current Corps policies/regulations, budget processes, business line performance measures, and priorities;
  • Address changes in recreation equipment (i.e RV size, vessel size, etc.), facility use (amp service, wifi, etc.), and service demands that have shifted since approval of the last master plan in 1978; for example, there has been an increase in visitation, tourism, and adjacent development.