Why Update the Master Plan?
The current Hillsdale Lake Master Plan was developed over 45 years ago and is currently outdated. The Master Plan revision will classify the government lands around the lake based on environmental and socioeconomic considerations, public input, and an evaluation of past, present, and forecasted trends.
Lands may be classified into one of these categories:
Project Operations: lands required for the dam, spillway, offices, and other areas used solely for the operation of the reservoir.
High Density Recreation: lands acquired for project operations and designated for use as parks or other areas for intensive recreational activities by the visiting public. New private floating facilities would not be allowed in these areas.
Environmentally Sensitive Areas: lands designated for areas where scientific, ecological, cultural, or aesthetic features have been identified. These areas are managed to protect their environmental resources. Limited or no development is allowed in these areas.
Multiple Resource Management Lands: This classification allows for the designation of a predominant use with the understanding that other compatible uses may also occur on these lands, these additional uses may include:
Low Density Recreation: lands classified for use for activities such as hiking trails, primitive camping, limited lake access points, and other similar low density activities by the visiting public.
Wildlife Management: lands allocated as habitat for fish and wildlife, and are generally open for hunting and fishing.
Future/Inactive Recreation Areas: Lands intended for recreation, but which were never developed or have been closed.
Vegetative Management: Lands designated for stewardship of forest, prairie, and other native vegetative cover.
Water Surface: For those projects that administer a surface water zoning program, this will be included in the Master Plan revision process.
Restricted: Water areas restricted for project operations, safety, and security purposes.
Designated No-Wake: To protect environmentally sensitive shoreline areas, recreational water access areas from disturbance, and for public safety.
Fish and Wildlife Sanctuary: Annual or seasonal restrictions on areas to protect fish and wildlife species during periods of migrations, resting, feeding, nesting, and/or spawning.
Open Recreation: Those waters available for year-round or seasonal water-based recreational use.