Contact Harry S. Truman Lake

Harry S. Truman Project Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
15968 Truman Road
Warsaw, MO 65355

Tel:  660-438-2836 extension 1


Need to Know

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Expand List item 14514Collapse List item 14514  Hours of Operation    

Project Office:  M-F 7:30-4:00 (closed holidays)


Visitor Center:  F-Su (and Mon. holidays) 9:00-4:00 Apr. 15-Sep. 30 and 3rd full weekend in Oct.


Expand List item 14515Collapse List item 14515  Rules and Regulations

The Harry S. Truman Lake Project is regulated by Title 36 CFR 327 governing public use of Corps of Engineers water resources development projects. For a list of all rules and regulations please reference this link.

Harry S. Truman Lake News Releases

Army Corps of Engineers waives fees and invites volunteers to participate in National Public Lands Day, Sept. 28
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today that it will waive day use fees normally charged at boat launch ramps and swimming beaches at its recreation areas nationwide in recognition of...
Revised Master Plan for Harry S. Truman Lake now available
Officials have finalized the Master Plan revision for Harry S. Truman Lake and the report is now available to the public. A Master Plan is the guidance document that describes how the resources of the...

Welcome to Harry S. Truman Lake

USACE Annual Passes and America the Beautiful Passes can be purchased by calling or visiting our project office (M-F 7:30-4:00 (closed holidays)). America the Beautiful Passes can also be purchased online by clicking the link or picture above.
Drowning is the nation’s second leading cause of accidental death. Many people overestimate their swimming ability and swim beyond their limits.

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