Levee Rehablitation Process

Process Step Definitions
Project Information Report Approved by Northwestern Division‐ Project Information Report has been reviewed and approved based upon the recommended repairs, alternatives considered, environmental considerations, and the benefit‐to‐cost‐ratio.
Engineering, Design, and Construction Funding Received ‐Federal funding has been provided to Kansas City District for the repairs to be designed and constructed. 
Borrow Identified ‐ A sufficient quantity of acceptable borrow material has been identified to support the required repairs.
Project Cooperation Agreement Sent to Sponsor ‐USACE has provided two copies of the cooperation agreement and supporting exhibits to the sponsor defining the sponsor's legal obligation to complete the construction project.
Real Estate Easement Requirements Sent to Sponsor ‐permanent easement requirements for new features and temporary easement requirements for borrow and construction limits have been documented and provided to the sponsor.
Engineering and Design Plans and Specifications Drafted ‐The concept repair drawings from the PIR have been modified into contract documents (plans and the specifications) that are ready for review.
Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental, and Sustainability Review Certification ‐A review conducted on the draft plans and specifications to ensure the design meets the requirements for biddability, constructability, operability, environmental, and sustainability.
Project Cooperation Agreement Supplied to USACE ‐The sponsor has provided a signed copy of the project cooperation agreement along with all other supporting documentation.
Real Estate Easement Requirements have been Acquired and Supplied to USACE ‐The sponsor has certified they have acquired all real estate to support the repairs and construction activities.
Cost Share or Work‐in‐Kind Received ‐ The sponsor has provided their share of the appropriate cost share in cash, an agreement to complete work‐in‐kind, or a combination of the two to fully support the project cost share requirement.
Contract Advertised ‐The contract has been publicly advertised for prospective bidders to provide a qualified bid to construct the project. Contracts can not be advertised until funding, real estate certification, and Project Cooperation Agreements are provided to the Kansas City District. Projects with "RFP" in this column will be completed using modifications to existing contracts and some steps may be completed out of order or may not be needed.
Contract Awarded ‐ The winning bidder has been validated, contract has been awarded, and funds have been obligated for payment.

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