Contact Harlan County Lake

Harlan County Project Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
70788 Corps Road A
Republican City, NE 68971

Phone: 308-799-2105
Fax: 308-799-5075

Office Hours

Monday through Friday

7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Facebook page

Harlan County Lake News Releases

Welcome to Harlan County Lake

As our recreation areas begin to reopen we want to remind you that we need your help during these trying times.
Follow CDC guidelines, even when outdoors. We are not staffed to maintain/clean lake & park areas. Be cautious about touching anything. Sanitize and wash often. Practice social distancing.
Moving Firewood Transports TreeKilling Insects & Diseases. Remember to acquire your firewood locally near the campground or use certified pest free firewood.
Natural Resource management efforts at Harlan County Lake focus on maintaining and enhancing natural ecosystems. Click on the Natural Resources link in the "Here at Harlan County" section below.
A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers park ranger at Rathbun Lake applies temporary tattoos to children who were “caught” wearing their life jackets. The tattoos carried a safety message reminding children to wear their life jackets when in or near the water. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers photo.

Need to Know

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Expand List item 14335Collapse List item 14335  Campground Open Seasons

Hunter Cove & Methodist Cove 1-May thru 30-Sep

Gremlin Cove, North & South Outlet - 15 May thru 15 Sep

Cedar Point - Day use only

More information including reservations,

site prices, and park maps can be found in the

camping section in Outdoor recreation.

Expand List item 14337Collapse List item 14337  Rules and Regulations

The Harlan County Lake is regulated by Title 36 CRF 327 governing public use of Corps of Engineers water resources development projects.  For a list of all rules and regulations please reference this link.

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