The former Boise Army Barracks site consists of 8,570 acres partially located within the City of Boise, and unincorporated Ada County, Idaho. The site was originally occupied in 1863 as “Fort Boise” and supported military activities through World War II. The site consists of two parcels of land. The first parcel is the Main Post Area, consisting of 637 acres and containing all facilities supporting the former barracks activities. The second parcel is the Watershed Area, a 7,318 acre area conveyed to the Army in 1905 to ensure an adequate water supply to the post. Today owners of the former Boise Army Barracks include the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the City of Boise, and Ridge to Rivers.





  • Spring 2025 – Finalize Phase II Remedial Investigation Report
  • Summer 2025 – Begin Feasibility Study
  • Summer 2026 – Complete Feasibility Study and begin Proposed Plan
  • Summer 2027 – Complete Proposed Plan and Public Meeting/Comment Period
  • Spring 2028 – Decision Documents
  • Fall 2028 – Begin Remedial Design
  • Fall 2029 – Begin Remedial Action work
  • Fall 2030 – Complete Remedial Action




FUDS Project

Final Remedial Investigation Report