Osage River Study

Description: The Flow Frequency Analysis Data is a critical update and will inform future study, action and planning for flood risk management in the Lower Missouri Basin. USACE and our partners will be able to use this updated data and information. ​​

Status: The team is finalizing the report.​

Way Ahead: The Flow Frequency Report will be uploaded once complete. Webinar on results will occur on July 19, 2023. Stage Frequency analysis can begin, which will help convert flow data measured in cubic feet per second (cfs) to stage data measured as an elevation (ft). Stage frequency analysis and reviews will take approximately two years.​

Project Announcements

Public scoping meeting, open to anyone interested in the Osage River Study.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023, 4-7 p.m.
Tuscumbia High School gymnasium
526 School Road
Tuscumbia, MO 65082


The Feasibility Study portion is cost-shared 50/50 federal and non-federal, and is anticipated to take three years. The non-federal sponsors for this initial step are the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Department of Conservation. The Missouri Department of Transportation is a contributing partner.

If design and construction are authorized and funded by congress, the state or local partner cost-share will be 35%.

Contact Us

For questions or comments regarding the Osage River Study, please email us at OsageRiverStudy@usace.army.mil.

Osage River Project Information

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Review Plan

Project Fact Sheet (coming soon)



The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is conducting a feasibility study of the Lower Osage River area.


  •   The Missouri Department of Natural Resources is the project partner.
  •  The project will address recognized problems in the area including bank erosions, side channel flow, and aquatic organism passage at Lock and Dam No.1.
  • The degradation of the ecosystem in the study area has negatively impacted the four federally threatened and endangered species: Pink Mucket, Scaleshell, Spectaclecase, and Pallid Sturgeon.
  • The outcome of the feasibility study will include an approved project recommendation report with a recommended plan for construction, along with associated design and permitting documentation.
  • Benefits to addressing these issues include stabilizing eroding banks, reducing loss of agricultural land, protecting infrastructure such as bridges and roads, and restoring wetland habitats.
  • Potential projects on private property would be included only with voluntary participation.
  • After report approval by the Chief of Engineers, authority for project construction and funding for implementation can be requested from Congress. Project construction is cost shared 65% by the Corps of Engineers and 35% by the state and local partners.


 Project Map

 Public Involvement

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with other federal and state agencies, studied known problems in the Lower Osage River in south central Missouri. Problems included channel instability, stream bank erosion, side channel flow, and aquatic organism passage at Lock and Dam No. 1. These problems have degraded the ecosystem, impair public infrastructure, affect landowners, and degrade aquatic habitats. This study will provide crucial guidance toward evaluating and selecting viable options, as well as securing authorization and adequate funding for recommended construction projects.

USACE and partners will hold a public scoping meeting to seek public and agency input into the scope of the study. The meeting is advertised through a USACE press release, and via USACE and MoDNR social media. The meeting will be held Tuesday March 14th from 4-7 p.m. at Tuscumbia High School Gym, 526 School Rd., Tuscumbia, MO 65082. All interested parties are welcome.