Archive: July, 2023
  • USACE seeking public input on potential Rathbun Lake fall release

    Let us know what you think about a potential Rathbun Lake, Iowa, fall release. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, is asking the public for input regarding the Rathbun Lake annual fall release by August 31, 2023.
  • Visitor Center operations at Truman Lake continue: Fridays through Sundays

    The Harry S. Truman Lake Visitor Center continues to remain open Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays through September 30, 2023, and there are no plans to close the visitor center. The visitor center also offers educational programs by appointment, including special events whenever feasible.
  • Harlan County Lake boater access

    Due to lake levels and sedimentation, Harlan County Lake Project’s boat access to Hunter Cove remains closed with the possibility of Methodist and Gremlin Coves closing at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District project. The project’s dredge is currently inoperable, and repair costs exceed routine operation and maintenance funding. The dredge will be removed from the lake in the coming weeks.
  • Public invited to meetings scheduled for upcoming Water Control Manual updates

    Updates to Water Control Manuals and reviews of the Water Control Plans for Milford, Tuttle Creek, Perry and Clinton Dams and Reservoirs will be the subject of a series of public meetings held by the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, from early to mid-August 2023. The public is invited to learn more about how USACE uses the Water Control Manuals at each of its reservoirs, how the updates will be done and to provide their input. The meetings are being publicized together because many people visit more than one reservoir in a year or have interests in water resources encompassing more than one location.
  • Kansas City District to hold public scoping meetings for Lower Missouri River Basin Flood and Risk Resiliency Study

    Five public scoping meetings are scheduled along the Lower Missouri River Basin to provide an update on the ongoing Lower Missouri River Basin Flood Risk and Resiliency Study, also called the system plan, in July. The meetings will be co-hosted by the Omaha District and the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The historic 2019 flood on the Missouri River caused billions of dollars in damages to agriculture and infrastructure in communities in the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri. During the 2019 flood, these states formed a four-state coalition called the Flood Recovery Advisory Working Group. The goal was to develop actions in the aftermath of the 2019 flood to reduce system risk and recurring damages, improve system resiliency for the future and improve interagency collaboration.