Archive: May, 2022
  • Hidden hotspots offer 18 ways to kick off Memorial Day weekend

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. – This weekend, outdoor recreation kicks off in full swing and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has made a short list of “Hidden Heartland Hotspots” for folks looking to try something new this Memorial Day weekend. Just make sure your Memorial Day Weekend is memorable for all the right reasons by practicing these safety tips!
  • Stay afloat and know before you get on the boat

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Tomorrow starts National Safe Boating Week and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers urges you to stay afloat with responsible recreation before you step on the boat.   We encourage all water-vessel operators and passengers to take the safe-boating pledge and exercise caution while enjoying their favorite water-based activities during this national effort recognized May 21-27, 2022 by the Safe Boating Council. USACE is one of the nation’s leading providers of outdoor recreation with more than 400 lake and river projects, and wearing an approved life jacket is the simplest life-saving strategy for recreational boaters.
  • Life jacket; Just wear it, it’s that easy

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is kicking off the weekend right by showing just how easy it is to wear a life jacket anywhere, anytime. Today, Friday, May 20th, is recognized through the Safe Boating Campaign as Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day. Whether you’re working in an office, on the water, at home or basically anywhere, help us participate in this global awareness effort encouraging recreators to make the most of their outdoor adventures by being responsible and returning home safely.
  • $10.2 million aquatic ecosystem restoration project planned for Harlan County Lake, Nebraska

    On 17 May 2022, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission signed an agreement to begin aquatic ecosystem restoration design and construction work at Harlan County Lake, Nebraska, under Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986.
  • Harry S. Truman Lake providing public opportunities for Master Plan revision

    WARSAW, Mo. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has begun the process of revising the Harry S. Truman Dam & Reservoir Master Plan, which was last updated in October 1988. The revision would bring the Master Plan up to date with current policy and regulations, land usage or designations, as well as consider current and projected visitation and recreational trends. “So far, we hosted one of three public meetings for the Master Plan revision and have heard several comments on key recreation and natural resource management actions for the lake,” said Jim Sandberg, Operations Project Manager at Harry S. Truman Lake. “Comments provided online or at these public meetings are taken into account on future management actions and will be considered and evaluated as the new Master Plan evolves.” The Master Plan is the strategic land use management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of the project. The Master Plan guides efficient and cost-effective management, development, and use of project lands. It is a vital tool for the responsible stewardship and sustainability of project resources for the benefit of present and future generations.