Archive: 2015
  • Smithville Lake Eagle Days scheduled

    SMITHVILLE, Mo.— The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Clay County Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Missouri Department of Conservation invite the public to Eagle Days at Smithville Lake, Smithville, Mo., January 9 and 10, 2016. The two-day event is highlighted by live predatory bird programs by Operation Wildlife on Saturday at 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2 p.m. and Sunday at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2 p.m. at the Paradise Pointe Golf Course Complex in Smithville, Mo. Kids’ crafts and other vendors will participate Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Sunday from 10:30 3:30 p.m. Eagle viewing stations with spotting scopes and agency personnel will be available to help visitor's view live eagles in the wild.
  • Corps reduces Gavins Point releases to winter levels

    OMAHA, Neb. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reduced releases from Gavins Point Dam in late November, marking the end of flow support for Missouri River navigation for the 2015 season. “Starting on Nov. 21, Gavins Point releases were stepped down over a 5-day period from 28,500 cubic feet per second to the normal winter release rate of 17,000 cfs,” said Jody Farhat, chief of the Missouri River Water Management Division. Gavins Point winter releases are set based on the total volume of water stored in the Mainstem Reservoir System on Sept. 1.
  • Missouri River Committee discusses management alternatives

    OMAHA, Neb. – The Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee met Nov. 17-19 in Rapid City, South Dakota. The meeting focused on developing the Missouri River Recovery Program Management Plan. The Committee learned about the management alternatives for pallid sturgeon, least terns and piping plovers that will be developed and analyzed in detail in a draft environmental impact statement that describes the plan. MRRIC members also heard the Independent Science Advisory Panel’s evaluation of the current adaptive management plan and pallid sturgeon framework drafts.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to host Wounded Warrior Deer Hunt at Perry Lake

    KANSAS CITY, Mo.— The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Perry Lake has teamed up with The American Legion Post 142 in Perry, Kansas and the Quality Deer Management Association in Atchison, Kansas to host the second annual Wounded Warrior deer hunt for Soldiers in Fort Riley’s Warrior Transitions Battalion on December 5 and 6. The American Legion organizes food and lodging for the Soldiers during the weekend event while the QDMA provides hunting guides to assist in the blind, field dressing, tagging and loading harvested deer.
  • Smithville Lake Managed Deer Hunt scheduled

    SMITHVILLE, Mo.— The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Smithville Lake will host a special deer hunt for disabled hunters on November 21 and 22. This year commemorates the 26th anniversary of the Annual Managed Deer Hunt which consists of 65 blinds that are accessible by truck in and around designated park areas and Waterfowl Refuge. All hiking and biking trails at Smithville Lake and Smithsfork Park will be closed for the two-day event. This hunt continues to prove a success year after year for many hunters that otherwise would not have the ability to enjoy deer season.