The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District (USACE), has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and associated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1968, as amended, for the proposed Stockton Lake Water Supply Storage Reallocation Feasibility Study. The Tri-State Water Resources Coalition, also known as the Southwest Missouri Regional Water Commission has requested a water supply storage reallocation study to meet the current and growing needs of the region. The tentatively selected plan proposes to reallocate 45,750 acre-feet (AF) from the multipurpose pool and 49,000 AF from the flood control pool, with a 1.8-foot increase to the normal pool elevation (i.e. a pool raise). This alternative is the most efficient means to meet the present and future water supply needs without significantly impacting the currently authorized project purposes. Based on the results, the tentatively selected plan would provide the least amount of change in average annual surface water elevations as compared to the no action condition. The plan would also include a new water intake structure within the existing City Utilities of Springfield easement at Stockton Lake. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has made a preliminary determination that the proposed action would not result in significant degradation to the environment and therefore supports preparation of a draft FONSI. The EA, draft FONSI and supporting information are provided with issuance of this Public Notice on July 9, 2020 to initiate the public review and comment period, which will extend until August 10, 2020.
All comments should be sent to Mr. Jeffry A. Tripe, Environmental Planner, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, ATTN: Environmental Resources Section, 601 East 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, by email at on or before August 10, 2020.