Archive: April, 2023
  • USACE and Harlan County Lake conduct community emergency preparedness exercise

    A tabletop exercise was conducted in Superior, Nebraska, on April 12, 2023, by local emergency management agencies for Harlan County Lake in conjunction with the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The purpose of the exercise was to showcase the joint emergency preparedness between local communities around Harlan County Dam and USACE. In attendance at the tabletop exercise were representatives from the City of Superior, Nebraska, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the Superior Volunteer Rescue Squad, Jewell County Emergency Management, Superior Fire Department, the National Weather Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Nuckolls County Emergency Management and the Jewell County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Rock protection project begins on portions of the Harlan County Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District has begun construction on a project placing a rock, also called riprap, overlay on portions of the upstream side of Harlan County Dam, near Republican City, Nebraska. This project will protect the dam from future wind and wave erosion.
  • $2.03 million contract awarded for repairs on Tuttle Creek service gate liners with BIL funding

    Two service gate liners will be replaced at Tuttle Creek Dam, near Manhattan, Kansas, later this year after damage was discovered during a routine dam inspection in Oct. 2020. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District received funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, or BIL, and has awarded a $2.03 million contract for the Tuttle Creek Dam service gate repairs to Alltech.
  • Kansas City District inspects BIL funded repairs to Missouri River navigation channel

    With navigation season starting earlier this month, the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers inspected some of the repair work being done on the Missouri River to restore the navigation channel to its pre-2019 flood condition near Atchison, Kansas, on April 5, 2023. The contracts for repairs to the navigation channel have been funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, or BIL.
  • Tuttle Creek Cove campground to close for maintenance

    Tuttle Creek Lake, near Manhattan, Kansas, will be closing Tuttle Creek Cove campground starting April 10, 2023. Work is scheduled to take place throughout the campground from April 10 – May 19, 2023, but is subject to change due to weather. Any changes to the dates of closure will be posted as soon as they are made available by the contractor. The entire park will be closed for public use for the duration of the work, which includes the boat ramp and pedestrian access. Work will also impact Stockdale Campground and portions of Outlet Park, including the stilling basin or “tubes” area. Dates for work on these areas are not yet known but will be posted as soon as they are made available.