Archive: September, 2014
  • Safety Office reports significant improvements

    The Kansas City District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety Office reports that accidental drowning at area lakes and inspection deficiencies within the district’s military construction sites are down from this time last year.
  • Stockton Lake plans testing of new hydropower turbine

    STOCKTON, Mo.— The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Stockton Lake Project anticipates that testing and operation of the new hydropower turbine will begin in the next couple of weeks. Work is currently underway inside the power plant to prepare for the testing tentatively planned to begin during the week of Sept. 29. While testing the unit water will be released through the dam, downstream into the Sac River.
  • Army Corps of Engineers waives fees on National Public Lands Day, Sept. 27

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today that it will waive day use fees at its more than 2,200 USACE-operated recreation areas nationwide in recognition of National Public Lands Day on Sept. 27. On this day, fees normally charged at boat launch ramps and swimming beaches will be waived.
  • Corps releases new policy for alterations to civil works projects

    KANSAS CITY, Mo.— The Kansas City District is currently developing internal business processes to implement a new policy for requests to alter or occupy district authorized civil works projects. This includes the development of categorical permissions to address the most common requests.
  • Contract awarded for Harlan County Dam repair

    KANSAS CITY, Mo.— The Kansas City District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a contract on September 5, 2014, to OCCI, Inc., from Fulton, Mo., in the amount of $12.3 million for gate repairs at Harlan County Dam in Nebraska.