MOUND CITY, Mo. -- Officials will hold a public meeting for the Lower Missouri River Holt County spin-off study on April 1, 2024, in Mound City, Missouri.
The meeting, which will be hosted by the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, will provide an overview of the study, a status update and an open discussion. This is an opportunity for the public to ask questions and provide input regarding the Lower Missouri River Holt County and Doniphan County spin-off study.
The study area includes the floodplain along roughly 50 Missouri River miles from Nishnabotna to St. Joseph, Missouri. Federal levees in and around the project area include 512-513R-North, Missouri River Levee System 497-L, MRLS 488-L and MRLS 500-R. Non-Federal levee systems include Union Township Holt County Number 10, Holt County Number 9, Canon Drainage District and Kimsey Holley.
The purpose of the study is to investigate methods to reduce and manage flood risk within the project area, evaluate measures and recommend a plan to reduce recurring damages and costs, and improve resiliency of the flood risk infrastructure and protected investment for the future.
Meeting information is below:
April 1, 2024
Loess Hills Lodge at 406 State Street, Mound City, MO
Doors will open at 4:45 p.m. The meeting will conclude at 7:00 p.m. but MDNR will be available for questions until 8:00 p.m.
For more information about the Lower Missouri River Holt/Doniphan Counties spin-off study, visit Holt County, MO / Doniphan County, KS (
If you have any questions about this outreach meeting please contact the USACE Flood Resiliency Study team at or for the MDNR representative, please email