The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District (USACE), has conducted an environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. The USACE Proposed Action is to repair and modify Missouri River Recovery Program (MRRP) chutes to manage the amount of flow through the chute to maintain adequate flow in the navigation channel and maintain shallow water habitat. Work is anticipated at eight MRRP chutes in the USACE Kansas City District area of responsibility. The amount of repair and modification varies by chute. The Proposed Action is needed because the 2019 floods resulted in sustained high flows on the Missouri River that caused wide-scale damage to both MRRP chutes and Missouri River Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project structures. The draft EA, draft FONSI and draft 404(b)(1) evaluation are provided with issuance of this Public Notice on May 12, 2020 to initiate the public review and comment period, which will extend until June 11, 2020.