WMA Natural Resource Management

Managers seek a system that fragments the land into an assortment of patterns that serve as wildlife nesting areas, travel corridors, food sources, and wintering habitat. These patterns are created with trees/brush, prairie grass, and grain and browse crops. This fragmentation pattern also serves to reduce erosion from wind and rain. Travel corridors and habitat areas must be balanced to provide food, water, and protection during each of the four seasons. Grain food plots are left unharvested and green crops provide browse for wildlife and invertebrates. Crops consist of a variety of wheat, milo, soybeans, and corn. Native Grass and wildflower plots area drilled to serve as buffer strips between fields. Trees and shrubs are planted to provide buffers from weather and predators. Natural resource staff utilize prescribed fire, herbicide application, and mechanical control as the most effective tools to control invasive species and to reinvigorate warm season grasses and stimulate early successional growth.