Persons wishing to trap on project lands must contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Area Office at 816-240-8131. Limited trapping is allowed in specific areas.
Trapping with dog-proof style and other traps is allowed. The trapping of furbearers on public lands and waters shall be in accordance with the following policy in addition to other applicable Federal and State Regulations governing such activities.
- May be placed and set for furbearers on the first day of the current trapping season and must be removed by midnight of the last day of trapping season.
- Must have smooth or rubber jaws only, and may include foot-hold, Conibear, or other killing-type, foot-enclosing-type, cage-type, colony traps with openings no greater than 6 inches in height and 6 inches wide, snares set underwater only, and cable restraint devices.
- Must be plainly labeled on durable material with the user’s full name and address.
- Wildlife must be removed or released from traps daily, except for colony and killing-type traps, which must be checked every 48 hours.
- May not be set in paths made or used by people or domestic animals. Killing-type traps may not be set along roadways.
Conibear or Killing-type traps must comply with the following:
- Traps with a jaw spread greater than 6 inches are NOT allowed.
- Maximum jaw spread of 6 inches (#160), may be set underwater, but not in any dry land set.
- Maximum jaw spread of 4.5 inches (#110), may be set underwater and in a dry land set.
Snares must comply with the following:
- Be set underwater.
- Have a loop 15 inches or less in diameter when set.
- Have a stop device that prevents the snare from closing to less than 2 1/2 inches in diameter.
- Be made with cable that is between 5/64 inch and 1/8 inch in diameter.
- Have a mechanical lock and anchor swivel.