Welcome to the Melvern Lake Volunteer page. All the information you will need to start your career volunteering at Melvern Lake.
Melvern Lake has more than 23,000 acres of land and water and offers many volunteer opportunities to care for recreation facilities and the natural resources.
If you are interested in volunteering at Melvern Lake, stop by the project office, visit with the volunteer coordinator, and fill out an application. When an opening arises, we will contact you.
If you are interested in volunteering somewhere else, the Volunteer Portal serves the Corps of Engineers nationwide to link potential volunteers with Park Rangers at lakes and waterways that need them. The Volunteer Portal provides information about the volunteer program and directs people to the point of contact at the lake or location of interest. The link to the Portal is listed below.
Volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:
· Campground Hosts
· Park and Trail Maintenance
· Fish and Wildlife Habitat Work
· And Much More!!
-Volunteer Portal-