The 3,400 acres of Kanopolis Lake provide anglers with a wide variety of fishing opportunities. The most sought after species include saugeye, white bass and channel catfish. Crappie, and Wipers, a White Bass/Striped Bass hybrid, are also caught.
White bass may be taken soon after the ice melts in the shallows near Bluff Creek. When river conditions allow, the white bass fishing during their March-April up-river spawn can be fantastic.
The best saugeye fishing occurs during their spawning period in late March/early April along the face of the dam or other rocky points. Saugeye may also be taken in the flats from Bluff Creek to Yankee Run Point as the water warms in late April and May.
Most channel cats are caught during summer nights at the upper end of the lake. Fishing just after the spring ice melt or using setlines throughout the lake are also popular techniques which can produce good results.
For the hardy angler, good ice fishing for crappie and white bass can also be found when conditions allow.
Rainbow trout are stocked yearly in the seep stream below the dam. The trout season runs from 1 Nov- 15 April and a special trout permit is required to possess trout during this time. Trout are stocked only in the seep stream by KDWPT.