Managing the natural resources at Hillsdale Lake is one of the Corps of Engineers project purposes. The Corps manages natural resources in cooperation with the Kansas Dept. of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. Maintaining and improving healthy and sustainable habitat is conducted by Natural Resource Specialist, Wildlife and Fisheries Biologist. Management practices include: Wetland Development, Native Grass Planting, Agricultural Crop Production, Cedar Control, Invasive Species surveillance and control, Brushpile Construction, Foodplot Planting, Dove Field Management, Fisheries Habitat Development, Timber Stand Improvements, Tree and Acorn Planting, and
Prescribed Burning. Hillsdale Lake is managed for multiple species; migratory birds, game and non-game, fish, reptiles and amphibians. We ask for your assistance in protecting our natural resources by following all fish and wildlife regulations and leaving the lake better than when you arrived.