Clinton Lake Trails Brochure
Clinton Lake is known for the many quality and diverse trails located around the lake. There are over 50 miles of trails around the lake which are quite popular with the various types of recreational users that utilize them.
North Shore Trail
The North Shore Trail has over 21 miles of hiking and mountain biking trails which begin in the Overlook Park and much of the north shore of the lake from the north end of the dam to the Coon Creek arm of the lake.
South Shore/Rockhaven Trail
The South Shore Trail contains over 30 miles of horseback riding and hiking trails which span from the south end of the dam into the Rock Creek arm of the lake. The main trailhead is located in Rockhaven Park, but the trail can be also be accessed at the south end of the dam or in the Rock Creek area. Rockhaven Park is the only area where campers with horses and/or mules are allowed to camp overnight.
George Latham Trail
The George Latham Trail is located in the Woodridge Park on the northwest side of the lake. This 4.5 mile trail offers excellent hiking opportunities as well as overnight camping along the trail, if desired.
Backwoods and Discovery Nature Trails
Two self-guided nature trails are located behind the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Information Center, near the north end of Clinton Lake dam. Both of these trails are for hiking only. The Backwoods Trail is 5/8 of a mile in length, and is self-guided with a pamphlet, which is available at the Information Center. The Discovery Trail is 1/2 mile in length and is self-guided by use of signs placed along the trail.
South Lawrence Trafficway
Hike/Bike Path
The most recent addition to trails at Clinton Lake is the South Lawrence Trafficway Hike/Bike Path. This concrete paved trail travels parallel to the new K-10 bypass road. The path travels about 8.5 miles from Highway 59, south of Lawrence, to Douglas County 438, northwest of Lawrence, in a westerly then northerly direction. This path crosses Clinton Lake property as it passes through the spillway area and is well suited to bicycle and roller blade traffic as well as walkers and joggers.