Latest Kansas City District Info

Site Title

Description: The Flow Frequency Analysis Data is a critical update and will inform future study, action and planning for flood risk management in the Lower Missouri Basin. USACE and our partners will be able to use this updated data and information. ​​

Status: The team is finalizing the report.​

Way Ahead: The Flow Frequency Report will be uploaded once complete. Webinar on results will occur on July 19, 2023. Stage Frequency analysis can begin, which will help convert flow data measured in cubic feet per second (cfs) to stage data measured as an elevation (ft). Stage frequency analysis and reviews will take approximately two years.​

Justification and Approval Threshold for 8(a) Contracts changes

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense-Acquisitions and Sustainment released a memo today regarding class justifications for procurements.

Effective immediately, for procurements valued at $100 million or less, contracting officers are not required to execute a justification and obtain approval for award of a sole source contract under the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program.

You can read the memo here.

Small Business Office

Welcome to the Kansas City District's Small Business Office

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Kansas City District has a strong commitment to the Small Business Program.  We assist firms doing business with the Government to ensure small and disadvantage businesses have the maximum opportunity to participate on Kansas City District contracts. 

Mission Statement

To sustain the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a premier organization in developing small businesses and maximizing their opportunities to participate in our procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mission and strengthen our Nation’s economic development.


Small Business Program Logo
Kansas City District
Small Business Office

Outreach Opportunities

Firms who feel they have been unfairly treat should contact

Regulatory Enforcement Fairness
Office of the National Ombudsman
U.S. Small Business Administration
409 3rd Street, S.W.
Mail Code: 2120
Washington, DC 20416