Archive: March, 2023
  • $8.35 million agreement signed for aquatic ecosystem restoration work at Rathbun Lake, Iowa

    Yesterday, a signing of the Project Partnership Agreement for aquatic ecosystem restoration work at Rathbun Lake, Iowa, was executed between the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This agreement will begin aquatic ecosystem restoration design and construction work at Rathbun Lake, Iowa, under Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986. USACE has been working with the Iowa DNR over the past several years to determine feasibility and develop a conceptual design for this project. The signing of the PPA paves the way for the $8.35 million on-ground execution of this design effort.
  • Department of Natural Resources, USACE to hold public meeting about Lower Osage River study

    The Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, will hold a public meeting to provide information and solicit input from the public on a feasibility study to address problems on the Osage River on March 14, 2023, from 4-7 p.m. at the Tuscumbia High School gymnasium, 526 School Rd., Tuscumbia, MO 65082. Over time, stream bank erosion and other issues along the Osage River have led to sedimentation of important aquatic habitat, including threatened and endangered mussel beds. Impacts also include loss of stream bank vegetation and valuable farmland, threats to private and commercial infrastructure and lost habitat connectivity. Public safety concerns associated with decreased river channel stability are also an issue.