U.S. Army Corps of Engineers now issuing America the Beautiful Passes

Published Feb. 2, 2016
America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Interagency Passes are available for purchase at Kansas City District Lake Offices and Visitor Centers

America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Interagency Passes are available for purchase at Kansas City District Lake Offices and Visitor Centers

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District announced today that America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Interagency Passes are available for purchase at district Lake Offices and Visitor Centers.

While the Corps previously accepted the passes, the agency did not sell them. The Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014, signed into law June 10, 2014, granted the Secretary of the Army authority to participate fully in the America the Beautiful Interagency Pass Program.

Visitors may purchase or obtain the following interagency recreation passes from designated USACE projects:

  • Interagency Senior Pass

  • Interagency Access Pass

  • Interagency Annual Pass

  • Interagency Military Pass

  • Interagency Every Kid in a Park 4th Grade Pass

  • Interagency Volunteer Pass

These passes allow holders free access to boat launches and designated swim areas managed by USACE. The senior and access America the Beautiful passes also provide holders a 50 percent discount on campsites at USACE-managed campgrounds.

For more information about the American the Beautiful passes visit http://store.usgs.gov/pass/annual.html or call 1-888-275-8747, option 3.

The Interagency Pass Program allows federal agencies to retain and reinvest revenues collected from pass sales at the project level. The USACE plans to reinvest its revenues at the projects where the fees are collected.

For more information on USACE recreation sites and activities, visit www.CorpsLakes.us.

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Public Affairs

Release no. 16-010