KANSAS CITY, Mo.— With the recent heavy rains experienced in the lower Missouri River Basin, the Kansas City District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would like to remind the public that flood season is in effect and to heed all forecasts and warnings issued by the National Weather Service.
“We are monitoring the water levels closely along with our levee sponsors, and we have not received any reports of damage caused by flooding,” said Jud Kneuvean, chief of the district’s Emergency Management Office.
The Kansas City District has awarded 10 contracts to date and restored a level of protection to three levee systems (North Kansas City Levee, Rushville-Sugar Lake Levee and Wakenda Levee).
“The Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act approved by Congress on Dec. 23, 2011, provides the necessary funds for the Corps of Engineers to complete post flood rehabilitation,” said Col. Anthony Hofmann, commander of the Kansas City District.
The district is scheduled to conduct flood fight training with levee sponsors this week—an event that occurs annually.
For more information contact the Kansas City District Public Affairs Office at (816) 389-3486.
Release no. PA-2012-23