KANSAS CITY, Mo.— The Kansas City District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is pleased to announce that it has restored the Wakenda Levee located in Carroll County, Mo. to Its 2011 pre-flood level of protection.
A contract was awarded to Ideker, Inc. of St. Joseph, Mo., on Jan. 23 for approximately $722,000 to repair the Wakenda Levee.
The levee rehab projects are a cooperative effort between the local levee sponsors and the Corps of Engineers. The sponsor plays a vital role for non-federal levee rehabilitation projects and is responsible for 20 percent of the construction cost, the right of way and the material necessary to reconstruct the levee.
The project will be complete in May of this year.
For more information, please contact the Public Affairs Office at (816) 389-3486
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Release no. PA-2012-14