Eagle Days 2025: Kansas and Missouri lakes play vital role in bald eagle resurgence and conservation

Kansas City District
Published Jan. 2, 2025
Bald Eagle Perched

Bald Eagle Perched

As efforts to protect the majestic bald eagle continue to evolve, one unexpected ally has emerged in the fight for their survival: man-made lakes. These artificial bodies of water, often created for flood control, agricultural, and recreational purposes, have become vital habitats for bald eagles and other birds of prey, supporting their nesting, feeding and breeding needs.

Historically, bald eagle populations in North America have faced serious threats due to habitat destruction, the detrimental effects of pesticides like DDT and other factors. While these stunning birds have made a significant recovery thanks to federal protections and conservation efforts, their future still depends on the availability of suitable habitats.

The surprising role of man-made lakes in this equation is now becoming clear as scientists and conservationists recognize how these landscapes can offer ideal conditions for eagles and other birds of prey to thrive.

The Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operates and maintains 18 lakes in Kansas and Missouri. Perhaps best known for the incredible year-round recreation they provide, it might surprise some to know that the Kansas City District’s 18 lakes have several important missions beyond public recreation. One of these missions is environmental stewardship.

The district’s lakes have played a vital role in the resurgence of the once endangered birds, and staff – along with partner agencies and organizations – continue to ensure the lakes remain habitable for bald eagles and other birds of prey in the Heartland, now and for generations to come.

To celebrate these incredible efforts, the Kansas City District will be hosting Eagle Day events at some of its lake projects in 2025. Dates and locations are as follows:

  • Jan. 4-5, 2025, at Smithville Lake
  • Feb. 15, 2025, Harry S. Truman Lake

Eagle Day events will include live eagle programs, informational booths and eagle viewing stations.

To learn more about the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ environmental stewardship mission, the role the district has played in the resurgence and conservation of endangered species or to learn more about Eagle Days 2025, please contact:

Christine Paul

Public Affairs Specialist

Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers



Release no. 25-001