2021 Waterfowl blind registration for Truman Lake

Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published July 19, 2021

The waterfowl blind registration process for the 2021-2022 Missouri Waterfowl Season has been finalized for Harry S. Truman Lake. Hunters wishing to place a waterfowl hunting blind on Truman Lake may register on the Harry S. Truman Visitor Center Grounds on SATURDAY, August 28th from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. A lottery drawing for blind sites will follow the registration.

Permits are not required for blinds that are removed from the project daily. The procedure for registering waterfowl blinds will be as follows:

·     Participants must be at least 16 years of age, show their current year Federal Migratory Bird Permit and Duck Stamp and provide valid proof of identification. NOTE: Individuals unable to show these required items WILL NOT be permitted to participate in the drawing.

·     Registration numbers will be randomly drawn to determine the order of blind site selections. Each participant will be allowed to select one blind location in the order they were drawn. Each participant is allowed only one blind per hunting zone. There are 4 hunting blind zones on the lake (Pomme de Terre, Osage, Grand, and Tebo).

·     Additional walk-in blind registrations will be accepted through September 30th.  Blind sites will be registered in the order submitted. Registrations will not be accepted by phone.

·     All blinds must maintain a 300-yard distance from previously registered blind sites. No permanent blinds will be allowed on ponds, marshes or west of highway 13.

For information regarding the Truman Lake Waterfowl Blind Policy you may visit http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/Locations/DistrictLakes/HarrySTrumanLake.aspx or our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HarrySTrumanLake/  Questions can be directed to the Truman Lake Project by email at  kylie.r.yates@usace.army.mil  or by phone at 816-389-2128.

Kansas City District
Kansas City, Mo.
Kylie Yates
Warsaw, Mo.

Release no. 21-045