Some campsites temporarily closed at Slough Creek Park due to nesting bald eagles

Kansas City District, Northwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published April 6, 2021
Nesting bald eagles discovered at Perry Lake's Slough Creek Park.

Nesting bald eagles discovered at Perry Lake's Slough Creek Park.

Officials from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District announced that a portion of campsites at Slough Creek Park will be delayed reopening due to the recent discovery of a pair of nesting bald eagles. All campsites and activity on Locust Loop will remain closed until at least July 15. All other areas in Slough Creek Park are unaffected and remain open. Slough Creek Park is located at the Corp’s Perry Lake recreation site.

Bald eagles, previously on the Endangered Species List, have increased in population significantly, but are still protected by multiple laws and regulations. Corps natural resource staff have coordinated with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and taken actions for compliance with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

Corps rangers have established a 330-foot no-entry buffer zone around the nest for compliance with Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act guidelines. The buffer zone gives the birds time and space to raise their young without disturbance.

 “This is a new nest this year and the birds chose a spot right on the campground’s Locust Loop. Our natural resource management staff spotted the nest when preparing Slough Creek for the spring opening,” said David Hoover, conservation biologist. “Unlike more remote areas on the lake where the disturbance potential is low, Locust Loop is a high-activity area due to campers and boat launch traffic.”

The closure may extend past July 15 if the eagles are still actively using the nest. The Corps recommends the public follow @PerryLakeUSACE on facebook for the latest updates.

Kansas City District Public Affairs
Kansas City, Mo.

Release no. 21-018