Tag: invasive species
  • July

    Feral Hog Elimination at Missouri Lakes

    When it comes to invasive species, it can be hard to find success stories. The Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership is bucking that trend and seeing success in eliminating feral hogs from private and public lands – including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Harry S. Truman, Pomme De Terre and Stockton lakes in southern Missouri. 
  • May

    Natural resource management benefits spill over into recreation

    The Kansas City District has a large Natural Resource Management Program which provides many recreational opportunities. While lake staff specializes in managing natural resources, several practices provide ancillary benefits to recreation and multiple authorized purposes.“Through natural resource management, we work to improve the land which
  • The fight against invasive species and how you can help

    Invasive species can be an animal, plant or fungus. Typically, it’s a species that has been brought into a new environment and believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health. With 18 lakes in four states and Mitigation Project lands along the Missouri River, the Kansas City District has identified several species in