• June

    Untapped Possibilities: Could navigation on the “Big Muddy” provide clean solutions for a more sustainable future?

    The words “green” and “clean” are likely not the first that come to mind when thinking of ground transportation in the U.S. Trucks on the interstate and railroads are probably what come to mind first, but the greenest and cleanest form of ground transportation is one that often gets overlooked: waterway navigation. As the oldest form of transportation, navigation on U.S. waterways is not a new concept. At face value, navigation of the nation’s waterways and environmental sustainability may not seem to be related. Except they are, as navigation has very little negative impact to our environment.
  • May

    Employee Spotlight: Robin Nitcher

    Most U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ lake projects are within 50 miles of a major metropolitan area. Many of those who work for our lake and project offices have grown up in the community they work in. Sometimes, those who grew up in the project’s backyard are the best stewards for the it. One such steward is Robin Nitcher, administrative officer at Pomona Lake project. Nitcher grew up three miles from Pomona Lake located in Vassar, Kansas, and would frequently visit before she became an employee. In May 1986, she started as seasonal clerk before working her way to a permanent position. She worked her first stretch at Pomona Lake until 2008 and then transferred to Melvern Lake. She worked at Melvern Lake for two years before transferring to Perry Lake to work as an administrative officer.
  • More than meets the eye: Harlan County Lake completes projects to protect cultural sites

    At first glance, the new rock, also called riprap, that has been placed along the banks of Harlan County Lake, Nebraska, might not look like much. However, this seemingly insignificant riprap plays a critical role not only in the mitigation of further shoreline erosion, but also in the protection and preservation of two cultural sites at the lake. Over 11,000 feet of riprap was placed along the shoreline of Harlan County Lake earlier this year. After the 2019 flood, areas of the lake’s shoreline had eroded 50 to 100 feet, with some areas having eroded as much as 400 feet since 1985. Even without experiencing flood conditions, the lake’s shoreline is susceptible to erosion.
  • Building Leaders: Officers from the Kansas City District attend Leader Professional Development at Fort Leonard Wood

    From April 24 – 29, the officers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District gathered with other military leaders throughout the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for Leader Professional Development, or LPD. The week-long event included many educational experiences and was a great example of the U.S. Army’s policy to continuously develop their leaders. This valuable opportunity was dedicated to building relationships and sharing operational knowledge across USACE.
  • Protect and Preserve: Kansas City District works to manage habitat for endangered species

    Every year on the third Friday in May, people around the world observe Endangered Species Day. This day is a chance to learn about fish, wildlife, and plants in need of protection. For many U.S. Army Corps of Engineer employees, this day is another day in a career dedicated to preserving vulnerable wildlife and ecosystems. USACE has one of the largest environmental missions in the federal government. The Kansas City District’s conservation biologists, environmental specialists, natural resource specialists, natural resource managers and park rangers see this day as a chance to educate others on the efforts they are making to protect endangered species on federal land.