Contact Pomona Lake

Pomona Project Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
5260 Pomona Dam Road
Vassar, Ks 66543

Phone: 785-453-2201
Fax: 785-453-2203


Pomona Lake News Releases

Welcome to Pomona Lake

They look harmless, but believe us, invasive species are not. Do you know what plants and animals can cause harm to you, your boat or the environment? Educate yourself by learning the top Heartland invaders and how you can help eradicate them. Learn more:
America the Beautiful passes can still be purchased online at or you may call a local USACE Lake office to set up an appointment to purchase a pass. Mask and ID are required.
As our recreation areas begin to reopen we want to remind you that we need your help during these trying times.
Moving Firewood Transports TreeKilling Insects & Diseases. Remember to acquire your firewood locally near the campground or use certified pest free firewood.
Pomona Lake Dam


Need to Know

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Expand List item 4851Collapse List item 4851  Hours of Operation

Visitor Center Hours

Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Expand List item 8581Collapse List item 8581  Fees

Michigan Valley

A1-A8 - $20.00/night

A12-A19 - $22.00/night

A23-A31 - $24.00/night

All C and G Loops - $18.00/night

B, D, E and F Loops - $14.00/night

Wigger Group Camp - $40.00/night

Shelter #3 - $30.00/day

Shelter #4 - $60.00/day

Shelter #5 - $40.00/day


Wolf Creek Park

A1-A32 - $20.00/night

D1-D13 - $20.00/night

B, C, & E Loops - $14.00/night

Group Camp - $150.00/night


Outlet Park

Sites 1-34 - $20.00/night

Shelters 1&2 - $30.00/day

Expand List item 21223Collapse List item 21223  Rules and Regulations
Expand List item 28092Collapse List item 28092  ***America The Beautiful Passes are sold by appointment only***  To schedule an appointment, call 785-453-2201.  Cash or check only.  Must bring ID. Available passes include, America the Beautiful Annual, Access, Senior Lifetime, Senior Annual, Veteran and Uniformed Military.

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