Clinton Lake is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operated reservoir located on Wakarusa River in northwestern Douglas County, Kansas. Congress used the Flood Control Act of 1962 to authorize the construction of Clinton Lake. USACE began work on the reservoir in December 1971, with multipurpose operation beginning in November 1977. The authorized purposes for the dam are flood risk reduction, water quality, water supply, fish and wildlife conservation and recreation. Clinton Lake is one lake in a network of lakes, including Perry Lake, Tuttle Creek Lake and Milford Lake, that operate in parallel with each other. This network functions as a system to play a vital role in managing water resources in the Kansas River Basin for their respective nearby and downstream communities.   

Congress provided direction and funding in Fiscal Year 2022 for USACE districts across the nation to update Water Control Manuals, or WCMs to evaluate whether any changes in physical, social and environmental conditions around the dam warrant updating the WCP, include a drought contingency plan and meet new requirements for formatting and updating information.




Have a Question or Comment about the Clinton Lake WCM update? Submit it below:

Comments about individual reservoirs or the system as a whole can be submitted until November 30, 2023. Comments, questions and information submitted in writing by November 30, 2023, will be summarized in the draft environmental assessment.

Comment Form - Please include contact information if you request a response.





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