Each year, the Corps of Engineers partners with thousands of individuals and organizations on recreation and environmental projects to enhance our nation’s lakes, rivers, and parks. Melvern Lake will entertain any organization’s offer to partner with us.
By volunteering or partnering with the Corps, you can help improve our ability to protect the environment and enhance recreation opportunities. Funding for recreation and natural resources is decreasing. Partnerships enable the Corps to leverage its limited funds to accomplish maximum results. Working on Corps projects can be fun, rewarding, and an excellent way to give back to the community. Join us!
Nationwide, the Corps has a Partnership office that can answer questions and supply information to assisting the Corps on a large scale. You can get the information from their website listed below (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Partnerships). Also, the Corps has a foundation that can accept funds and leverage them out to the field to bolster programs and projects already in place. You can visit the Corps of Engineers Natural Resource Education Foundation (CNREF) at their website listed below.
-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Partnerships-