Perry Lake hosts successful Wounded Warrior hunt

Published Dec. 21, 2015

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Perry Lake recently teamed up with the Perry American Legion Post 142 and Quality Deer Management Association of Atchison, Kansas to host the second annual Wounded Warrior deer hunt December 4-6.

Seven Soldiers from Fort Riley’s Warrior Transition Battalion for wounded, ill or injured Soldiers were given the opportunity to hunt deer in areas normally restricted to hunting at Perry Lake.

The Soldiers arrived early that Friday afternoon to settle into their weekend stay at the Perry State Park cabins. That evening the Soldiers, Corps of Engineers rangers and volunteer guides met at the Perry American Legion for a pre-hunt meeting and meal. During this time, participants were able to sight in their rifles at a nearby range.

Though the weekend was unseasonably warm, the weather did cooperate for these hunters. For some this was their first time hunting deer, but for most it was their first opportunity to hunt in several years. Over the two-day event, the Soldiers harvested eight deer, two bucks and six does. “Going on this trip was very therapeutic as I was able to relax and enjoy it without having to think and be reminded of my injuries and things that have happened during my deployments,” said David Stanway.

These Wounded Warrior deer hunts have also provided the local community an opportunity to give back to our service men and women by donating meals and hunting supplies. “I am humbled by the outreach to us, the wounded warriors, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the community of Perry, Kansas, to help conduct a safe, no-stress hunt which has created a lasting bond,” said Chief Warrant Officer Glenn Feitl.

At the end of the weekend, the Soldiers not only experienced the gratification of harvesting deer, but were able to spend time in a stress-free environment and enjoy the camaraderie and new friendships with everyone involved. “The experience I had on this great event could not be any better. The Soldiers of the Warrior Transition Battalion had a truly amazing time and will remember it for the rest of their lives,” stated Sergeant First Class Brandon Jardine.


Public Affairs Office

Release no. 15-062