KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The 19th Annual Stockton Lake Cleanup Event is scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 2015. The event is held in conjunction with Missouri Stream Team and National Public Lands Day and is co-sponsored by the Kansas City Frogman Dive Club and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Volunteers can register at 8 a.m. at the Cedar Gap Shelter located adjacent to the Senator Christopher (Kit) Bond Visitor Center and Administration Building. Individuals interested in volunteering for this event may contact the following to obtain additional information or to register for the event: Kansas City Frogman Club at 816-796-7583 or email pattyred59@sbcglobal.net; or the Stockton Project Office at 417-276-3113. The event will conclude at noon with a free lunch and prizes.
Each year our dedicated volunteers donate their time and services to aid in keeping Stockton Lake the clean and beautiful natural resource that it is; providing us with countless recreation opportunities. Volunteer services include shoreline litter pickup, underwater cleanup at beaches and boat ramps, trail maintenance and extension, and the planting of trees, flowers and shrubs.
We also have an amazing group of volunteers in the way of area merchants and business leaders that support the success of this event by volunteering time and service, as well as items for prizes, food and beverages for volunteers.
This is truly a community event that is a success each year thanks to the group as a whole. This is a team effort that provides a worthwhile and rewarding end result – a cleaner, safer recreating environment for all to enjoy.
Release no. 15-053