Special drawing for raccoon trapping

Published Dec. 17, 2012

KANSAS CITY, Mo.—The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Perry Lake is having three special drawings to permit the live trapping of raccoons in Slough Creek, Rock Creek, and Longview parks in order to address an overabundance of raccoons in the area.

The application period opens December 17 and closes December 31. Applicants must provide their full name, address, phone number, and Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism trapping number to the Perry Project Office by mail, email or in person. One applicant will be randomly drawn for each park. The permit allows for the live trapping of only raccoons, with no limit, until the end of furbearer season on February 15, 2013.

For more information or to apply for the drawing please go to the USACE Information Center at 10419 Perry Park Dr. Perry, KS 66073, or contact our office by phone at (785) 597-5144 or by email at perry.lake@usace.army.mil.

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Release no. PA-2012-73