Public input sought for Kansas River Basin watershed study

Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published Nov. 22, 2019

The Kansas City District and our partners encourage the public to attend public scoping meetings being held in the Kansas River Basin to provide input on the Kansas River Reservoirs Flood and Sediment Study, a joint-federal and state watershed study effort.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Kansas Water Office, and Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism are in the early stages of a five-year watershed study to develop a long-term plan for the basin’s water resources and infrastructure. The study is an opportunity to review existing and possible future conditions in the basin, lake and river basin management, and to investigate ways to extend the useful life of the 18 federal reservoirs in the basin by increasing resiliency and maintaining capacity. Study topics include drought and water supply, sediment management and reservoir sustainability, ecosystem restoration and management, flood risk management and recreation. The group expects to finalize the watershed report in the fall of 2023.

Four public scoping meetings are planned to hear and document specific ideas, concerns, and opinions from across the Kansas River Basin and to ensure that the values of the public are incorporated into the watershed study. These open-house style, come-and-go meetings will provide the public the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns one-on-one with agency staff. The meetings are as follows:

  • December 2, 2019 - 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Manhattan Fire Department, 2000 Denison Ave, Manhattan, KS 66502
  • December 5, 2019 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. – American Legion Post 174, 645 W 15th St, Ellsworth, KS 67439
  • December 10, 2019 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Geary County Senior Citizens Center, 1107 S. Spring Valley Rd, Junction City, KS 66441
  • December 12, 2019 – 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Perry Lecompton High School, 404 Lecompton Rd, Perry, KS 66073

A brief overview of the study will be formally presented each evening at 7:00 p.m. To submit comments online, or to find more information on the study and meetings, visit the study website -

The Kansas City District is a team of dedicated professionals with a strong heritage and proven results who, in collaboration with our partners, proudly serve in the Heartland providing leadership, technical excellence, and innovative solutions to the nation's most complex problems.


Kansas City District Public Affairs
Kansas City, Mo.

Release no. 19-075