Expiration date: 9/29/2019
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, has prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) and associated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1968, as amended, for the proposed Missouri River Levee System Unit R471-460 Flood Risk Management Project, Kansas and Missouri. The project is located along the Missouri River between Elwood, Kansas and St. Joseph, Missouri. The purpose of the project is to reduce flooding risk and damage to structures, flood fighting, flood related injuries, or loss of life. USACE has made a preliminary determination that the proposed project would not result in significant degradation to the environment and therefore supports preparation of a Draft FONSI. The project has been designed to meet the 1% annual chance exceedance (ACE) or the height corresponding to the 0.2% ACE, which meets requirements for FEMA certification. The Draft EA, FONSI, and supporting information are provided with issuance of this Public Notice on August 29, 2019 to initiate the 30-day public review and comment period.