Contracting Division

The Mission of the Kansas City District Army Corps of Engineers Contracting Division is to provide Civil, Military and Environmental Services for our nation. The projects include Supply, Construction, and Architectural Engineering Services for our various customers assisting in national and world emergency requirements. The Corps of Engineers is made up of a diverse group of professionals dedicated to ensuring the accomplishments of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mission.

Around the Contracting Division

Check out a few of our FY19 Contracting highlights!
Steve Schooner and Dave Drabkin, former senior Acquisition civilians, led the Section 809 Panel discussion at the USACE Kansas City District Fall Training on the opening day of the training, October 22, 2019. Their seminar focused on helping contracting professionals make the Federal Acquisition Regulation “sing” – work more efficiently.
Kansas City District Contracting Division personnel were presented with a certificate of recognition by leadership for helping set up Contracting Fall Training October 22, 2019. Left to right – Jeri Halterman, Heather Scott, John Hendrix, Stephanie Kretzer, Zach Goodman, Sarah Moppin, Cheryl Colbert and Jo McCue.

Contracting with the Kansas City District

Current Corps of Engineers Contracting Opportunities:

System for Award Management Database (SAM) Contract Opportunities

APEX Accelerators (formerly known as Procurement Technical Assistance Centers) provide technical assistance to businesses interested in selling products or services to federal, state, and local governments. Additionally, APEX Accelerators can help your small business: 

  • Determine if you're ready for federal contracting
  • Help you register in the proper places
  • See if you're eligible for small business certifications
  • Assist you in researching past contract opportunities

For assistance with federal contracting please visit:


Wichita State University





Help us in Building Strong! Please tell us how we are doing. Visit the Department of Defense Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) Website to provide feedback.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District Contracting Office

(816) 389-3812